Wednesday, February 24, 2016

It took us 8 years: 1+1 = 3!

 Today it's our wedding anniversary.  This photo was taken on our wedding day on Feb 24, 2008.

You have to say, us hippos are slow-moving creatures.  It took us almost eight years for this to happen--the picture was taken on Feb 12, 2016, when our baby Hippo was 1.5 days old. 

So many things happened in the eight years, I don't know where to start.  But when comparing the two pictures, the most obvious change was how puffy Mummy Hippo's paw had become!  That gives you a hint of how nicely-rounded she is today :).  But, to her justice, that was more due to 2.5 days of IV injections rather than her actual weight gain!

(OK, I digressed a bit).

Eight years down, a new adventure begins, this time with a new member of the family! 

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